Cover art for the game Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions

Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions

Season 4 - Week 11

Submitted by IrishChamp

Eligible Systems and Emulators:

  • PlayStation - duckstation


Metal Gear Solid VR Missions is an expansion for the popular stealth action game Metal Gear Solid that was released for the Sony PlayStation in 1999. It features over 300 additional missions set in virtual reality environments, in which players must complete a variety of objectives using stealth and combat skills. The expansion also includes a number of new weapons and items for players to use in the missions.



Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions, PS1

There are 300 in-play missions in the game. The player's performance is graded on each but we're only interested in completion.

The missions are divided into the following four categories:

Sneaking Mode - 60 missions. Reach the goal without being seen by the enemy. Player can play both "No Weapon" and SOCOM mode. In SOCOM mode, the player must eliminate all enemies in order to unlock the goal.

Weapon Mode - 80 missions. Destroy all targets with the assigned weapon. There are several type of targets in this mode that behave differently. The red-colored targets will denotate sympathetically.

Advanced Mode - 80 missions. Defeat all enemies with the assigned weapon. Unlike Sneaking Mode, the mission will continue, even when the player is discovered.

Special Mode - 80 missions A variety of missions which don't fit the above categories such as murder mysteries, puzzles and UFO encounters.

Progress couldn't be simpler, beat as many missions as you can in five hours. Your progress is measured by a handy percentage at the top of the menu.

This percentage will be used to determine progress

In the unlikely event of a tiebreaker, we'll go with time, as there are likely to be too many deaths/fails to count (I definitely won't be counting mine).

I believe that missions count equally towards the percentage mark regardless of their length or difficulty, but having never played this expansion I can't confirm that. It'll be a mystery to us all!

Advanced missions etc unlock as you go, so if you're stuck on a mission it's worth checking if an easier one further along has been unlocked.

To summarise, if it's a mission, and it's in the game, do it.

This includes the so called 'practice' missions, these also count towards the overall % (and need to be beat to unlock their timed equivalent missions regardless).

Play either the US or EU version of the PS1 game if emulating, OG hardware is cool too. Enjoy the soundtrack!

Here's a manual, but it's in shit quality


1st) Marcman_59 - Progress: 83% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
2nd) imagoth2004 - Progress: 79.6% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
3rd) Lovenfloofen - Progress: 76.6% - Time: 04:52:47 - Deaths: 1337
4th) ReturnOfOctobot - Progress: 71% - Time: 04:59:40 - Deaths: Infinity
5th) IrishChamp - Progress: 68.6% - Time: 04:57:34 - Deaths: Infinity
6th) HandsomeStrife - Progress: 66.3% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: 9999
7th) Tater84 - Progress: 65% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
8th) Deccyf - Progress: 61.6% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
9th) Quantum_P1 - Progress: 61% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: 206
10th) Fusha - Progress: 59.3% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
11th) FullCup - Progress: 57.3% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity
12th) Mr. Shadowman (AKA MrMattInternet) - Progress: 47.6% - Time: 04:59:40 - Deaths: Infinity
13th) TomTheWizzard - Progress: 46.6% - Time: 05:00:00 - Deaths: Infinity

Last Updated: 1 December 2023

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