Genre: 3rd Person Adventure
Platform: PlayStation 2 (PS2) - V3.0
Time: 5 hours
The rules: Emergency! There’s an emergency going on! There’s still an emergency!
DISREGARD the main story, aint nobody got time for that! You’ve got a job to do, be that:
• Dog the Bounty Hunter (Vigilante)
• Fireman Sam (Firefighter)
• The bad season of Scrubs (Paramedic)
Essentially, steal a police car / fire truck / ambulance and trigger the side missions (pressing in the right thumbstick R3 - This also cancels the mission if pressed again). You gotta do these side-jobs and these side-jobs only. Any order, any time, any place. If you can complete them all, you can gun for the Taxi jobs which requires a taxi (but ONLY after you’re done hunting criminals, rescuing cats and killing Zach Braff’s career).
There are 12 missions for each job (36 jobs in total) and 50 jobs being a taxi driver (once the previous 36 jobs are completed).
Time starts as soon as you have control of CJ, and should not be paused if you are Wasted or Busted.
Mission trees will restart if you die/fail/click R3 again. Ambulance and Fire will also restart if you get out of the vehicle. Police will give you a countdown to get back in the vehicle and will reset the tree if you are not back in on time. So once you start a side mission, stick with it so you don't loose your progress. Remember to make note of what level you’re up to and time of highest completion.
TL;DR: Side-jobs completed (Vigilante, Firefighter, Paramedic) > Taxi jobs completed > Time
Additional notes:
The time is 5 hours as per usual, strugglers are advised that the first mission "Big Smoke" is outside the timer, however it needs to be done as soon as possible, any abuse of practice before doing the first mission will invalidate your run. Be sure as soon as you start make your way to CJs house to start the mission and once that is done you can start the timer.
The game allows you to keep going after finishing 12 vigilante/fire/ambulance missions, we are capping it at the completion of the missions (12), the game gives you a notification that you have finished the missions so, once that happens make sure to go find your next vehicle!
Saving is only allowed as part of split runs and cannot be used as a way to regain your lost weapons and cash.
Also a screenshot of your stats will be much appreciated as evidence of your vigilante/ambulance/fire & taxi mission stats. There should be a missions tab that shows you "Highest X/Y/Z and Passengers Dropped off".