Platform: PS1 (Duckstation Emu/PSXE)
Rules: PEPSIMAAAN! It’s an endless runner ala Temple Run and those other ones, but with Pepsi. You might be a Coca Cola fan, but for your submission you must put your preferences aside, as for 5 hours, you are the embodiment of Pepsi, you are PEPSIMAN.
Move character: D-pad
Jump: X Button
Slide: Square Button
Run: Square Button + D-Pad up
Pause game: Start Button
Brake: Square + D-Pad Down
There are 12 stages split between 4 levels (1-1, 1-2, 1-3. 2-1, 2-2 etc). For the purposes of these rules, I’m disallowing continues so if you Game Over it’s back to the beginning. But don't worry, you can accumulate lives by collecting Pepsi cans that are generously scattered across every level, you only get these lives once you have completed a section so don't expect that life counter to count up while you are sprinting.
The gameplay is pretty basic, you run, you dodge and you jump until you reach that Pepsi machine or until you run out of time (Yea, you are timed... he is also blue and there is running... oh god not again). Hitting objects or falling down holes is bad. Collecting Pepsi is good (and can replenish health if enough are collected). Be sure to read the manual for the control scheme as the sprint and slide mechanics will help you survive longer.
Good luck!
TL;DR: Progress > Time > Deaths