I'm ToO yOuNg To DiE, UrGhGhGhGhGhGhGh
(It'll make sense once you get playing.)
We're going to be playing Typing of the Dead, it's The House of the Dead 2, but with a keyboard. Pew Pew Pew.
Kill zombies by typing the words that appear, there are 6 chapters, beat them all. Simples. You can't save state in a chapter, so make sure you don't game over! Use the Arcade Mode to select stages one at a time, this way the people who do the game in one sitting don't have an advantage over those who don't. Tiebreakers are going to be difficult for this one, but it's the best way to make things close.
Levels Complete > HITS > Time
Why hits over deaths/time?
The game features an adjustable difficulty, the higher you score and the faster you type, the more the game will seek to test you, so there's a balance, do you take an intentional hit to reduce your difficulty, knowing it could cost you a podium, or do you do the very best you can despite how hard the words get. It's more strategic, in my opinion.
Settings are straight forward, everything as default. My friends in the US are allowed to change ONE setting, there is a Keyboard Layout in settings, if you're state side you have permission to change that from UK to US, duh.
Surprisingly, there is a manual for this:
Streamers will need to use DxWnd to get the game to capture for their streams, just unzip what I've tucked away in this drive for both the game, and the DxWnd software. Just make sure the Path matches where the .exe is.