Cover art for the game Peggle Nights

Peggle Nights

Season 6 - Week 17

Submitted by Garlips

Eligible Systems and Emulators:

  • PC - N/A


Peggle Nights is one of the greatest games in the world. Released in 2008, it serves as an expansion pack for the original Peggle that can be played independently. The Peggle series is a puzzle game where the player shoots balls from the top of the screen that bounce their way across scattered pegs, before reaching the bottom. Various characters provide special techniques and once their levels are beaten, you can play as them to utilise said powers. There are other little quirks and variations in gameplay, but they are all introduced through gameplay so really no previous knowledge is needed. Peggle is incredibly addictive and in our opinion, one of the best blends of luck and ability.


Peggle Nights is available through a trial/sub of EA Play, on Steam for cheap. If you’re having trouble, you can talk to Garlips.

Peggle skirts the perfect line between skill and RNG - you'll need both to succeed here. Shoot balls from above, destroy pegs. The goal is to get all the orange pegs with the balls you are given to start with - however you can earn more balls with score or catch ones you’ve fired in the basket. Each Master you play as has a special ability, which is activated by hitting a green peg. Don't worry about the game mechanics too much as the game has a soft tutorial in the form of Bjorn, the first Peggle Master and his levels.

We are playing Peggle's DLC expansion, Peggle Nights, and have a bespoke scoring system that will confuse everyone. Just kidding... this thing is more robust than breezeblock.
You will receive 1 point per completed level (beating all the orange pegs). There are 60 levels in Adventure, so your base score will be up to a maximum of 60 for levels. However, there are two possible rosettes awarded for each level - either an Ace Rosette which is given for meeting a high score on the level, or a 100% Rosette for gaining an Ultra Extreme Fever (UEF). To get a UEF on a level, you must clear ALL the pegs on the level; and yes, this means you must clear all blue pegs before clearing the last orange. For every level you score a UEF on, we will award you an additional 3 points.

You can use your 5 hours how you wish. Once a level is completed in Adventure, you can replay it in Quick Play - where you can use any Master you have unlocked. So remember, ADVENTURE to unlock the 60 levels, QUICK PLAY to replay levels for UEFs. Please check below for timing instructions.



Points > Time.

Don't worry about tracking your progress, as the furthest level you unlocked will show in Quick Play. 1 point per completed level, plus an additional 3 points for every UEF. A cheeky extra 5 point bonus will be awarded to the Struggler that gets the most Ace Rosettes.

Quick Play Menu

A: You count all the levels in the Quick play menu that are NOT locked. This one IS locked, so you can see the difference. That is your base score, e.g. 17/60.
B: Whoever has the largest number of Ace Rosettes will gain an additional 5 points to their base score.
C: For every UEF Rosette here, you gain an additional 3 points to your base score, e.g. 3/60 = 3x3 = 9.

If you are confused about your scoring in any way, simply scroll through Quick Play to the first locked level you see (or the last page if you beat them all), and then take a screenshot.

TIMING INSTRUCTIONS: Upon starting a new game it will throw you directly into a new game. Type your name, and then click until you are in Level 1-1. Then use MENU in the bottom left and click MAIN MENU. Now you can access options. Yout timer will BEGIN when you click back on Adventure. The timer runs any time that you are in Peggle Nights from this point on, pausing only for bathroom breaks or multiple sessions

IMPORTANT: Some copies of Peggle Nights include bonus levels (for instance, Spring Fever Day 1 and 2 to promote PvsZ). We are not counting bonus levels! Bonus levels are only accessible through Quick Play and if you play them, you're wasting your time. You will know it's a page of bonus levels in the Quick Play menu as the Ace and UEF Rosette counts disappear from the bottom left and right corners.

Streamer Notes:

  • If you are streaming this game, we suggest going into options and turning the Fever Music down to zero. This is due to the classical music played on achieving Fever in a level being copyrighted. Music and Sound Effects are unaffected.
  • The game's full-screen is stretched, so we recommend playing windowed. The display window is quite small though, so sizing the window up to a bigger size in your streaming software is recommended.


1st) Lovenfloofen - Points: 117 - Time: 4:36:01 - Ace Rosettes: 13
2nd) Garlips₁ - Points: 110 - Time: 5:00:00 - Ace Rosettes: 17
3rd) DMAC - Points: 96 - Time: 4:55:14 - Ace Rosettes: 9
4th) enbyzee - Points: 96 - Time: 4:57:36 - Ace Rosettes: 11
5th) NerdyFiona - Points: 87 - Time: 4:55:14 - Ace Rosettes: 9
6th) Fusha - Points: 84 - Time: 4:52:35 - Ace Rosettes: 6
7th) shmumbler - Points: 84 - Time: 4:54:46 - Ace Rosettes: 10
8th) TomTheWizzard - Points: 81 - Time: 4:24:48 - Ace Rosettes: 5
9th) Krameht - Points: 78 - Time: 4:58:28 - Ace Rosettes: 14
10th) geckish - Points: 72 - Time: 4:20:56 - Ace Rosettes: 9
11th) HexTree - Points: 72 - Time: 4:28:32 - Ace Rosettes: 5
12th) Stormfeather - Points: 72 - Time: 4:35:20 - Ace Rosettes: 7
13th) Do_Odles - Points: 72 - Time: 4:38:24 - Ace Rosettes: 6
14th) Big Captain - Points: 69 - Time: 3:36:56 - Ace Rosettes: 8
15th) RaefGall - Points: 69 - Time: 4:59:00 - Ace Rosettes: 11
16th) AshNacht - Points: 66 - Time: 4:34:57 - Ace Rosettes: ?
17th) Stephen's Rocket - Points: 66 - Time: 4:40:42 - Ace Rosettes: 10
18th) DPRoberts - Points: 66 - Time: 5:00:00 - Ace Rosettes: ?
19th) Deccyf - Points: 60 - Time: 3:27:11 - Ace Rosettes: 6

₁ (Includes 5 bonus points for current Ace Rosette leader)

Last Updated: 12 November 2024

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