Points > Time.
Don't worry about tracking your progress, as the furthest level you unlocked will show in Quick Play. 1 point per completed level, plus an additional 3 points for every UEF. A cheeky extra 5 point bonus will be awarded to the Struggler that gets the most Ace Rosettes.
A: You count all the levels in the Quick play menu that are NOT locked. This one IS locked, so you can see the difference. That is your base score, e.g. 17/60.
B: Whoever has the largest number of Ace Rosettes will gain an additional 5 points to their base score.
C: For every UEF Rosette here, you gain an additional 3 points to your base score, e.g. 3/60 = 3x3 = 9.
If you are confused about your scoring in any way, simply scroll through Quick Play to the first locked level you see (or the last page if you beat them all), and then take a screenshot.
TIMING INSTRUCTIONS: Upon starting a new game it will throw you directly into a new game. Type your name, and then click until you are in Level 1-1. Then use MENU in the bottom left and click MAIN MENU. Now you can access options. Yout timer will BEGIN when you click back on Adventure. The timer runs any time that you are in Peggle Nights from this point on, pausing only for bathroom breaks or multiple sessions
IMPORTANT: Some copies of Peggle Nights include bonus levels (for instance, Spring Fever Day 1 and 2 to promote PvsZ). We are not counting bonus levels! Bonus levels are only accessible through Quick Play and if you play them, you're wasting your time. You will know it's a page of bonus levels in the Quick Play menu as the Ace and UEF Rosette counts disappear from the bottom left and right corners.
Streamer Notes:
- If you are streaming this game, we suggest going into options and turning the Fever Music down to zero. This is due to the classical music played on achieving Fever in a level being copyrighted. Music and Sound Effects are unaffected.
- The game's full-screen is stretched, so we recommend playing windowed. The display window is quite small though, so sizing the window up to a bigger size in your streaming software is recommended.